Public, Independent or Home? – Some Statistics

Ministry of Education Statistics
Student Enrolment
Year over Year Publicy
Boards (60)
Private Society
Boards (265)
AY = Academic Year:
Sep 1 to Aug 31 in named year
Headcount Rate of Change Headcount Rate of Change
AY 2015 552,786 80,636
12 month increase (decrease) 591 0.11% 993 1.22%
AY 2016 553,377 81,629
12 month increase (decrease) 4,253 0.76% 1,868 2.24%
AY 2017 557,630 83,497


Ministry of Education Stastics
Student Registration
Year over Year Home
AY = Academic Year:
Sep 1 to Aug 31 in named year
Headcount Rate of
Girls Boys
AY 2015 2,221 1,053 1,168
12 month increase
26 1.16% 18 8
AY 2016 2,247 1,071 1,176
12 month increase
69 2.98% 32 37
AY 2017 2,316 1,103 1,213

FaceBook-ready advertisment

The full article by Barbara Kay mentioned in the ad above can be seen here.

Other articles:

Homeschooling in Canada continues to grow by Deani Van Pelt, published on August 15, 2017 by the Fraser Institute.

Independent Schools in British Columbia: Myths and Realities by Deani Van Pelt, Sazid Hasan and Niels Veldhis published on September 21, 2016 by the Fraser Institute.