Coquitlam #43

School District
  Oct 20, 2018
Decision Makers Implementation Motion* Classroom Motion**
Area 1 Blatherwick, Jennifer Keep teaching gender fluidity in Coquitlam
Endorsed by NWDLC
and PSAC
Area 1 Bucher, Francis Keep teaching gender fluidity in Coquitlam
Area 1 Trustee Cahoon, Carol No learning resource vote Keep teaching gender fluidity in Coquitlam
Area 1 Trustee Denison, Chuck No learning resource vote ?
Area 1 Trustee Hobson, Barb No learning resource vote Keep teaching gender fluidity in Coquitlam
Area 1 O’Neill, Shari Keep teaching gender fluidity in Coquitlam
Endorsed by NWDLC
and PSAC
Area 1 Trustee Sowden, Diane No learning resource vote Not running
Area 1
2018 votes = ?
Wang, Hui Remove
SOGI 123 from classrooms
Area 1 Woods, Craig Keep teaching gender fluidity in Coquitlam
Endorsed by NWDLC
and PSAC
Area 2 Cena, Cathy ?
Area 2 Froese, Ryan ?
Area 2 Moore, Shaunda ?
Area 2 Owens, Nancy ?
Area 2 Trustee Park, Lisa No learning resource vote Keep teaching gender fluidity in Port Moody
Endorsed by NWDLC
Area 2 Trustee Watkins, Keith No learning resource vote Keep teaching gender fluidity in Port Moody
Endorsed by NWDLC
Area 3 Howorth, Andrea ?
Area 3 Pollock, Christine Keep teaching gender fluidity in Port Coquitlam
Endorsed by CUPE and NWDLC
Area 3 Ram, Edward ?
Area 3 Richardson, Bruce Keep teaching gender fluidity in Port Coquitlam
Endorsed by CUPE and NWDLC
Area 3 Trustee Shirra, Judy No learning resource vote Not running
Area 3 Trustee
and Vice-Chair
Thomas, Michael No learning resource vote ?
Area 3 Young, Melanie ?
Area 4 Trustee
and Chair
Isaak, Kerri No learning resource vote Acclaimed
Superintendent Patricia Gartland
MLA Coquitlam-Burke Mountain Joan Isaacs May 9, 2017 to October 16, 2021
MLA Coquitlam-Maillardville Selina Robinson May 14, 2013 to October 16, 2021
MLA Port Coquitlam Mike Farnworth May 17, 2005 to October 16, 2021
MLA Port Moody-Coquitlam Rick Glumac May 9, 2017 to October 16, 2021
Former Minister Mike Bernier July 30, 2015 to May 9, 2017
Minister of Education Rob Fleming July 18, 2017

Areas of School District #43 Coquitlam
Area Reference Area Served
1 Electoral Area 1
four to be elected
2 Electoral Area 2
two to be elected
Port Moody
3 Electoral Area 3
two to be elected
Port Coquitlam
4 Electoral Area 4
one to be elected
Anmore / Belcarra

* Implementation Motion, from Board meeting minutes
While the Board has not yet considered any motion that references the learning resource known as SOGI 123, it does have a policy which gives a very clear description about the responsibiliety of the Superintendent to provide leadership in education.

An excerpt is shown below.
Policy 12 – Role of Superintendent

Excerpt: 2. Educational Leadership

2.1 Provide leadership in all matters relating to education in the District.

2.2 Implement directions established by the Ministry and make the Board aware of any instances where this direction is not consistent with Board direction.

2.3 Engage in professional development activities to ensure currency in education practice.

The complete 3-page policy can be seen here.


2008 April – The Coquitlam Board revises Policy 12 Role of the Superintendent.

2016 July 25 – THE BC Human Rights Code is modified with the addition of “gender identity or expression”.

2017 July 1 – Ministry of Education policy delegates approval of Learning Resources to local Boards of Education.
Quoting from the Ministry’s policy on learning resources,
“The Ministry of Education no longer conducts evaluation processes to recommend learning resources. This responsibility now rests with boards. Board policies and procedures should include a process for ensuring the list of recommended learning resources is up to date and aligned with changes in curriculum. This would include adding and removing resources from the list.”

2018 – Since there has been no formal vote taken at the Board level with regard to SOGI 123 as a Learning Resource, it appears the SOGI 123 Learning Resource has been neither approved nor disapproved for use in the Coquitlam school district.

** Classroom Motion
THAT the Coquitlam Board of Education directs the Superintendent to continue to promote a respectful educational environment for all students, by removing the SOGI 123 learning resource from classroom instructional time.