Dear British Columbia,
First, the University of Alberta gave an honorary degree to David Suzuki. What a disgrace.
But now the Alberta Teachers’ Association wants to top that.
They have invited an anti-oil extremist named Tzeporah Berman to speak to their teacher’s conference next month, as their honoured guest speaker.
What’s worse, this special teachers conference will be held in the Aboriginal town of Enoch.
This is a deliberate attempt to drive a wedge between Alberta’s Aboriginal community and the oil patch.
Which is outrageous. The oilsands are the largest employer of Aboriginal people in Canada
For this lobbyist to fly in, to slander the industry — to turn teachers into propagandists, to brainwash young Aboriginals against their own province and against their own economic future — shows that the Alberta Teachers’ Association uses classrooms to push their political views on children.
What’s worse is that every single teacher in Alberta is forced, by law, to join this extremist union, and to pay union dues to cover Berman’s speaking fee and other costs.
Ezra’s complete statement can be seen here.